Ψ - All In The Mind - Anish Chhetri

Section A: Stress (Physiopsychology)

To do well, you will need to fully understand the following:

Stress as a bodily response
  • Outline the body's response to stress including the Sympathomedullary (SAM) pathway and the Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical (HPA) axis.
  • Evaluate the physiological response to stress and the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model (Selye, 1956)
  • Critically consider the relationship between stress and physical illness, in particular the effect of stress on the immune system.

Stress in everyday life
  • Analyse and identify sources of stress, including life changes, daily hassles, and workplace stress.
  • Discuss the personality factors that modify the effects of stress, including Type A behaviour.
  • Discuss coping strategies such as emotion focussed and problem focussed coping.
  • Critically consider psychological and physiological methods of stress management, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Stress Inoculation Therapy (SIT) and the use of drugs. 
So which ones do you know? and which ones are you struggling with?
once you have decided. Please continue here.

Section B: Abnormality (Psychopathology)

To do well, you will need to fully understand the following:

Explaining psychological abnormality
  • Outline and evaluate the definitions that are used to establish whether someone is abnormal: statistical infrequency, deviation from social norms, deviation from ideal mental health, and failure to function adequately.
  • Critically consider the issue of cultural relativism in terms of the definitions of abnormality.
  • Outline the key assumptions made on the causes of abnormality by the models of abnormality, i.e., explainwhat the causes of abnormality are according to the biological and psychological (including behavioural, psychodynamic, and cognitive) models of abnormality. 

Treating Abnormality
  • Outline and evaluate biological therapies, including drugs and electro-compulsive therapy (ECT)
  • Outline and evaluate psychological therapies, including psychoanalysis, systematic desensitisation, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
So which ones do you know? and which ones are you struggling with?
once you have decided. Please continue here.

Section C: Individual Differences (Social Psychology)

To do well, you will need to fully understand the following:

Social Influence
  • Outline two explanations of majority influence, informational influence, and normative influence (Deutsch and Gerard, 1955)
  • Describe the three kinds of conformity: compliance, identification and internalisation (Kelman, 1958)
  • Describe Milgram (1963) "electric shock experiment" and evaluate
  • Assess the internal and external validity of Milgram's research
  • Outline explanations of obedience, e.g., agentic shift and the authoritarian personality

Social Influence in Everyday Life
  • Outline explanations of independent behaviour, including how people resist pressures to conform and pressures to obey authority.
  • Discuss the influence of individual differences on independent behaviour including locus of control.
  • Critically consider implications for social change of research into social influence.
So which ones do you know? and which ones are you struggling with?
once you have decided. Please continue here.